You are searching for a hosting company to provide your business profile a web presence. Certainly, you are desiring to find a host who will provide a safe and best performing site. Namecheap will confirm fulfill all requirements regarding whole process of providing your business existence on Internet. In addition of low-price services, Namecheap Coupon will help to adjust a hosting cost more in budget. So, get a superior standard of service and support with NameCheap at very fair cost. Namecheap proffers and deals always available with appropriate amount reduction on resources cost. Consequently, it has been made a mark of excellent for hosting and domain services.
Brief About The Namecheap
Namecheap is an ICANN accredited hosting company. Basically, it provides the web hosting and domain name registration. It was founded in 2000 by Richard Kirkendall. It has their headquarter in Phoenix, Arizona, United States. Aside from, 1700+ employees serve the service for Namecheap in across 18 countries. In 21 years, Namecheap has gain 13 million of users all over world. Typically, it gives various types of hosting services, domain name registration, apps, email hosting and other site security resources. Basically, Namecheap web hosting services are known best in industry for low-cost services with safety and best features assurance. To know more about its establishment, should know its powerful services.
Hosting Types Which Namecheap offers
Majority of resources also express the ability of company. But in the frame, Namecheap gives all types of hosting which can user think to use for a site. Typically, Namecheap has following types of hosting services.
Shared Hosting
Namecheap offers a very less cost Shared hosting service with free website builder, free domain name and SSL. Moreover, unmetered bandwidth, Free supersonic CDN and automatic backup gives a power to manage your website.However, Namecheap shared hosting coupon will help to manage website budget more. Shared hosting has three types of plans- Stellar, Stellar Plus and Stellar Business. All plans are well equipped with suitable features and services.
WordPress Hosting
Namecheap gives 30 days free trial offer for wordpress hosting. Basically, it gives a managed wordpress hosting solution. Moreover, it gives the flexibility to install wordpress within 90 seconds only. It is 3x fastest WordPress than other traditional hosting. Prices of WordPress packages are very up to the mark and reasonable. It has three types of plans for WordPress- EasyWP Starter, EasyWp Turbo and EasyWP Supersonic.
Reseller Hosting
Give a brand name of Namecheap for your business site where you will spend less an earn more. For starting a reselling business for hosting resources, Namecheap provide account management tools and WHM control. Further, Reseller hosting of Namecheap gives unmetered bandwidth, Free cPanel and great server space capacity. It also has three types of plans- Nebula, Galaxy Expert and Universe Pro. All these plans’ charges are very good which can be more afforded with Namecheap Reseller hosting Coupon.
VPS Hosting
For VPS hosting, Namecheap offers top level security with world class support. It gives two VPS packages Pulsar and Quasar. And both plans have full root access and operating system selection.Apart from these, top security standards and free transfer of website VPS to Namecheap will make wonder to use of Namecheap service.
Dedicated Servers
For a dedicated server, Namecheap gives the power to choose server level choice. That is to say, you can choose entry, medium and advanced level service and plans accordingly. Generally, Namecheap dedicated server has three packages- Xeon E3-1240 v3, Xeon E-2136 and Dual Xeon Gold 5218.
Web Hosting Discount with Namecheap Coupon Code
As Namecheap offers powerful service, likewise it gives the very strong deals for their users. In the same vein, it offers a Namecheap renewal coupon also for best amount discount on service renewing. It generally brings a saving offers for monthly, weekly basis. And, you could not trust but it has been provided up to 80% off during monthly offer. This is really a very huge discount on monthly deals with Namecheap hosting Coupon, amount cut down range basically reaches minimum of up to 40% off. So, you can secure a highest cost during monthly and weekly sale and offers. But most importantly, the big occasional sale brings highest deals. So, most probably try to purchase Namecheap resources for your site during festival sale.
Important Key Features of Namecheap
Although, Namecheap web hosting services are well featured accordingly. But there are always few important factors of any service and brand.These factors introduce the importance and trust of organization in short. Therefore, there are following key features which helps to understand the power of Namecheap hosting company.
- Free domain for Shared Hosting
- 30 days money back guarantee
- 30 days free WordPress service
- 24/7 Live chat support
- Free SSL certificate
- Free website builder for shared hosting
- 99% uptime guaranteed
- Free domain Privacy
- Migration for first year is free from Namecheap
- Free Migration from another host to Namecheap
Namecheap Benefits for Domain Name Services
Namecheap gives excellent service type for domain name for a site. Firstly, it allows to use second party or another brand domain name when you are taking Namecheap hosting. Along with it, if you are taking shared hosting domain name will be free of cost. However, Namecheap free domain coupon can provide you domain name free for another hosting types also. Even more, Namecheap gives a highly protected and secure domain name with great privacy terms. Apart from these, Namecheap domain cost is not expensive. It can be managed more with Namecheap promo code for domain name. Namecheap also gives domain transfer, Free domain name system, marketplace, personal domain and much more for domain.
Q. Does Namecheap provide automatic WordPress updates?
Ans: Yes, Namecheap automatically checks and updates WordPress core components for security and other minor updates.
Q. Can user of Namecheap use a domain for another registrar?
Ans: Yes, for EasyWP user can use any domain name or another registrar domain.
Q. Could my client see the relation to Namecheap for Reseller?
Ans: No, your client could not find any logo and reference of Namecheap on your reselling service or plans.
Q. Which types of services Namecheap offers for domains?
Ans: Namecheap offers a domain registration, transfer, Whois lookup, Free DNS, and bulk domain search.
Q. On which services Namecheap gives transfer facility?
Ans: Namecheap offers transfer and migration for hosting, wordpress, domain and email hosting services.
Q. Is Namecheap offers WordPress free of cost?
Ans: Yes, Namecheap gives WordPress hosting for starting 30 days.

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