Green Technology in School

Green technology is not only practiced at home and work but it can also be done in school. Going green in school is not just being aware of what it means but it aims to teach how to practice it in concrete ways. Green technology in school prepares the students to be healthier and cleaner towards a sustainable future. These are the core values of green technology in school: reduce environmental impact, boost health and well-being, and increase environmental and sustainability literacy.

Benefits of Green Technology in Schools

 Environmental impact

Practicing green technology in schools targets the cutting back on fossil fuel use. When a school practices green technology, waste headed to landfills is lessened, there will be a decrease in electricity and water bill, and there will be more plants in school. Here are the ways on how to be greener in school to protect the environment:

  • Reduce car trips when going to school. It is better to walk early in the morning to go to school or to ride a bike especially if the distance of your house to the school is not that far. Reduction to car trips cuts back carbon emissions and you’ll save gas.
  • Practice reuse, reduce, and recycle. This is one of the effective ways on how to reduce waste. The reduction of waste also leads to the reduction of space allotted for landfills that can be converted for agriculture and other purposes.
  • Cut down energy use by simple ways of turning off school appliances when not in use. You may also conduct seminars to students on how to conserve water and energy even when no one is supervising.

Health and well-being

The health of the environment is not the only one that could benefit from green technology in school. The health and well-being of all school personnel and students are also improved. When pollution is lessened, it could ensure a clean indoor and outdoor air quality as well as potable drinking water. Volatile organic compounds and other harmful gas emissions that harm human health are also lessened or zeroes out. Here are the ways on how to boost health and well-being through green technology:

  • A great way to enhance the health of a person is through its diet. The school canteen should serve healthy foods only. There shouldn’t be junk foods but fruits and vegetables only.
  • Research shows that having a garden full of plants is a great way to de-stress. Schools should have green spaces where they can grow vegetables and other plants that are pleasing to the eyes.
  • Conduct seminars about the importance and benefits of green technology in school for awareness. There is a high possibility that if a student knows the effects of a green school on the environment and to humans, the more that they will participate to achieve sustainability.
  • When the students are in school, it is important to cut down their use of technological devices. To achieve this, divert their attention in some activities that involve their physical strength. Increasing the number of their physical activities will make the students physically fit and it encourages a positive outlook in life.
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Sustainability literacy

This benefit of green technology in school equips the student with knowledge on how they can help solve global challenges in their way. Before it can be practiced, teaching the students about its main idea will encourage them to participate. These are the ways by which sustainability literacy can be practiced in school:

  • Increase the environmental knowledge of students by incorporating related subjects into their curriculum for better understanding and practicing proper actions.
  • Provide the students with a guide or a definitive plan about the activities to do in line with green technology.

Educating the Community

 Green technology in school is not just about educating and engaging school personnel and students, it can also ask the community to participate. These are the ways by which a school practicing sustainability can educate the community as well:

  • Communicate with other schools that aren’t practicing green solutions yet. In this way, the impact of sustainability through green technology will be felt faster.
  • Engaging the parents about the activities concerning green technology in school.
  • Conduct seminars or at least giveaway awareness through the help of social media.

Characteristics of a Green School

A school doesn’t necessarily need to be equipped with the latest technologies that aim to reduce carbon footprint. A Simple way of practicing reduces, re-use, and recycle, and giving awareness about green technology can be considered as a green school. When school practices to be green, the health of the students and the school personnel are protected. When students are healthy physically and mentally, it effectively increases their performance.

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Studies show that about 20-40% of the monthly average consumption of electricity and water bill of those schools shifted into green technology was reduced. A 20-40% reduction in the monthly bills is already a significant amount that can be saved. Reducing carbon emissions that helps the environment is also one of the goals of green technology in school. The efforts to reduce the carbon footprint involves planting trees, investing in solar panels, patronizing products that are safe to use without harmful chemicals, etc.

Final Thoughts

Schools are a great place to start green initiatives. It is where you can teach young and active people on how to care for the environment. When you give the students awareness and encourage them about the importance of sustainability, it is for sure that they will give importance to it anywhere they go.

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