What is The Main Difference Between Crawling and Indexing in SEO?

Both crawling and indexing are the processes of search engines. It also helps any webmaster to make their webpages visible on search engine result pages. In this post, we will discuss the main difference between Crawling and indexing in SEO. If you want your website to rank on the SERPs then your site or a specific page of your website that you want to rank must be indexed on Google, Bing, DuckDuckGo, and other search engines. However, crawling and indexing help any site to rank in search engines.

You should be creating unique content and updating your old content regularly for better crawling and indexing processes of your site.

Main Difference Between Crawling and Indexing in SEO:


Crawling is the search engine process where the search engine sends crawlers or spiders to find the most recently updated content on the site. and stores website data and information on its local servers.

Note: If you want search engine bots to crawl your site faster, you can inspect your URL on webmaster so that search engines get notified about new content published and updates to old content on your site.

What Benefits of Crawling in SEO?

  • It increases the chances of your website’s visibility in search engines.
  • It helps your website data and information to be stored in search engine databases.
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Indexing is also a search engine process where search engines store all crawled data in the main server with categories so that they can provide quite relevant information to their users while they are searching on search engine result pages.

Note:  If you want to make the crawling process easy and faster then you should use an XML sitemap on your website.

What Benefits of Indexing in SEO?

  • It can help your web page to rank on search engines.
  • It can help to improve your SEO keyword ranking on SERPs.
  • It helps to categorize your web page for quick relevant answers to users’ queries on search engines.

How Can You Improve Crawling and Indexing Process in Website?

There are many different methods that can help you improve your site’s crawling and indexing process. Here we have shared some of them, let’s see:

  • You should always add XML sitemap on your website.
  • keep updating and refresh your old content.
  • Share your web page’s URL on social media and social bookmarking sites
  • Create user-friendly content.
  • Improve your website speed and load time.
  • Make sure each and every page of your website have a unique title and meta tags.
  • Internal linking.
  • You can also use some tools like instant indexing and webmaster to fast crawl and index your website.


This post is all about Crawling vs Indexing and I hope here you will get all the important information related to Crawling and  Indexing in SEO. Both are the ranking process for your site if you want to rank your website in search engines. By the way, you should also check the status of crawling and indexing on your specific web page from time to time.

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Digital Web Services

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