Top 5 Web Development Trends You Must look Upon

Web development is an area that changes continuously as new technologies evolve. When we are talking about web development trends, Today has witnessed a variety of trends that were helpful for the web development community. With the advancements in the older ones & additions to the existing ones, some new trends come into existence to keep the technology up to date. That is why web developers & designers keep up with the new trends for the growth of business.

The technologies mentioned below act as trends will have a revolutionary impact on the web design Toronto industry.

Here are 5 development trends you must look at:

1. Progressive Web Apps (PWAs):

Progressive Web Apps are kind of apps that allow users to take advantage of both web & mobile app on single platform.In other words these apps can be considered as a website that gives you feel of app. PWAs are now gaining attention of wider ratio of users as they are faster and easier to use. Along with that it possess variety of features like Installable, mobile-friendly, Network independent, secure,re-engageable,linkable, discoverable & progressive.

2. Chatbots:

Chatbot is a software application which is designed with a purpose of helping the user to get an answer of his query.In short it allows users to get connected with apps & websites.In order to possess response to particular query asked by user, Chatbot makes use of Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence & Natural Language Processing.With the emerge of Chatbots, businesses will  no longer require large number of customer service professionals, as most of the queries get resolved by these chatbots.

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3. Web Assembly:

Web Assembly, also abbreviated as Wasm, it has been developed by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), and designed for compiling programming languages like C/C++/Rust and alongside enables them get deployed over web.It is basically a binary instruction format and also facilitate to run JavaScript APIs. Moreover it is fast, portable & efficient i.e it can be run across multiple platforms at near native speed.

4. Accelerated speed for page loading:

Considering the continuous increase of traffic over website,there should be something which could be helpful to boost the speed of page load.AMP are actually HTML copies of existing webpages and usually operate at optimal speed. The reason behind their fast loading is that they restricts javascripts, html/css and allow users to render web pages at faster speed. Google AMP Cache is automatically get stored for faster loading of AMP pages. Google announced Accelerated Mobile Pages(AMP) as open source framework in February 2016.Due to its fast loading speed it contributes towards increase in traffic over website by 10%.

5. Voice Search Optimization:

The most popular trend – Voice Search Optimization, nowdays gaining positive response from large number of users due to its feature of generating results by speaking over the device.Unlike the traditional approach which requires user to type into keyboard for any kind of search,it facilitate them with just just conversating over the device. Some of the areas where voice search technology is embeded  includes Google Assistant, Siri from Apple, Cortana from Microsoft, Alexa from Amazon and many more.According to Comscore -Senior Director of Emerging Products Susan Engleson, express that by the year of 2023 half ratio of the online searches will be carried via voice search. you can also visit oxygen media for SEO solutions.

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So,Keep Yourself up to date with the above trends can help the businesses to develop powerful apps and websites which s resulting in improvement of  user experience and productivity as well.

Digital Web Services

Digital Web Services (DWS) is a leading IT company specializing in Software Development, Web Application Development, Website Designing, and Digital Marketing. Here are providing all kinds of services and solutions for the digital transformation of any business and website.

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