Top 5 Digital Marketing Degrees

Gone are the days when the fliers plastered across the walls or advertisement in newspapers used to fetch clients to a business. With digital advancements happening at a record-breaking speed, the digital economy has disrupted every sphere of human existence. But if a facet took the massive hit and had to go for a full-blown change about how the business operates and market themselves.

If you don’t have a digital strategy in place in today’s times, you lack behind than your competitors. With more than 59% of the human population on the internet at any given point in time, the need to create and market your products on the internet is ever increasing. If the internet doesn’t know your product exists, then sadly it doesn’t exist at all.

With digital marketing becoming the need of the hour, just pursuing a certificate won’t help anymore. To excel in the domain, you require a unique curriculum that will allow you to learn the craft through several courses and electives and provide you with a stellar experiential learning experience through its plethora of Capstone projects, and dissertations. Hence, if you wish to create an impact in this domain, here are the top 5 digital marketing degrees that will help you in the long term.

Here Listed The Top 5 Digital Marketing Degrees:

 1) ESCP MSc in Marketing and Digital Media

The MSc in Marketing and Digital Media at ESCP focuses primarily on the digital marketing field to provide students with a holistic and integrative view of the different digital marketing tools and how they play an integral part in building a brand. This program also emphasizes applying marketing techniques and key strategic marketing aspects in a digital and globalised world.

In this program, you will start your studies in Madrid’s vibrant city, where you will stay for the first two terms. Next, you would travel to either Berlin or London to do your specialization and then finally conclude your studies again in Madrid, where you will have the opportunity to engage in consultancy projects.

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 2) USC Marshall School of Business – MSc in Marketing

The USC Marshall’s Master of Science in Marketing Program is designed to develop an in-depth knowledge of relevant and innovative marketing skills and techniques for students interested in pursuing or enhancing their existing marketing careers. The program provides tools, concepts and frameworks, and hands-on projects in areas of interests such as entertainment, luxury and lifestyle, healthcare, to name a few along with the startup niche.

The blended learning of this program also allows for effective development, enhancement, and refinement of marketing techniques that are critical to local and global businesses’ success.

3) Warwick Business School – MSc Marketing and Strategy

The MSc Marketing and Strategy course of Warwick Business School is aimed at students with previous marketing experience and combines the two critical disciplines marketing and strategic study to provide a theoretical background that will allow you make sound marketing decisions from both advisory and consultancy perspectives. The curriculum is illustrated with the application of the classroom learnings to real-life situations

Through this program, you’ll figure out how marketing is not a free-standing activity but one that is entwined with company strategy. This program’s dual nature will enhance understanding of the implications of marketing on the organization as a whole. It will give you the confidence and expertise to apply your skills in various roles in the company development.

4) HEC Paris – MSc Marketing

HEC Paris’s MSc Marketing provides an integrated marketing approach that combines advanced knowledge in traditional and digital marketing with a strategic mindset. This program will be the perfect fit for you if you strive to enhance your analytical and strategic skills to pursue a successful career where you are equipped to adapt to the ever-evolving marketing world readily.

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This intensive program will provide you with a strategic mindset and steps to master today’s rapidly changing world of marketing and have a vast and varied skill set that would allow you to excel across all the aspects of the domain.

5) Imperial Business School – MSc Strategic Marketing

The MSc in Strategic Marketing from Imperial is an intensive program, where

you will have the opportunity to learn your core modules in the field of marketing through a range of contexts including lectures, syndicate discussions, group exercises and individual case studies. This will be assessed through a combination of examinations, group presentations, and dissertations.

Through the non-assessed elective program, you will also receive a range of opportunities to dive deeper into the courses of your choice. Here, you don’t have to perform exceptionally at them since they won’t be graded. With the world-class educational infrastructure and a plethora of experiential learning opportunities, you will surely learn how to manage high stakes marketing portfolios.

If you don’t wish to get into the marketing niche and want to have a broader perspective on business and marketing, you can alternatively go for an MBA in Digital Marketing program. It will allow you to gain a holistic overview of a business’s operations while also gaining expertise in the art of marketing.

Author Bio: Abhyank Srinet is a passionate digital entrepreneur who holds a Masters in Management degree from ESCP Europe. He started his first company while he was still studying at ESCP and managed to scale it up by 400% in just 2 years. Being a B-School Alumni, he recognized the need for a one-stop solution for B-School to get in touch with schools and get their application queries resolved. This prompted him to create MiM-Essay, a one-of-a-kind portal with cutting edge profile evaluation and school selection algorithms, along with several avenues to stay informed about the latest B-School Updates.
Abhyank Srinet Abhyank Srinet

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