There are approximately 12 million-24 million eCommerce Stores present across the globe. The number is said to be increasing with each passing day. Thanks to the ease of creating an online store that anyone who wants to become an entrepreneur can easily be one, just by having a niche and a few clicks.
There are 1000s of other eCommerce stores that have the same content as yours, or they deal in the same niche as yours. How would you alert your potential customers all across the globe that you have the right content, products, or services to suit their needs?
The answer to this is: ‘By Improving Your SEO.’
An improved SEO can drive organic traffic to your eCommerce store which means higher conversion, and ultimately increased profits.
What is SEO?
Search Engine Optimization, abbreviated as SEO is a process to improve the ranking of your website in the Search Engine Result Pages. The higher your page ranks in the first few pages the more likely you’ll be able to get organic traffic to your eCommerce store.
The majority of the people turn to Google for finding answers to their queries. On average, 3.8 million queries across the world are received each minute by Google. This means a huge audience might be looking out for you, all that you have to do is to become visible to them on the Search Engine Result Pages.
Here are the top 10 powerful ways of SEO to take your brand to the next level
1) Improve User Experience Across Your Entire Site
Google is undisputedly the king of the search engine. It currently has more than 75% share of the search engine market. To continue to be the number one choice of search engine amongst the users, it makes sure to continuously strive to make the experience positive and useful for their users.
For this purpose, Google doesn’t display the website on its search result pages simply because it matches the keywords entered by the user, no. It ranks the website according to the quality of the website and how much good experience previous visitors have had.
If your eCommerce store looks shady, takes forever to load, and doesn’t look trustworthy, then do not expect the customer to stay on your website for long, let alone shopping from you. The number of users bounced back from your webpages will affect the ranking of your website on Google’s Search Result Pages.
To prevent this from happening and to optimize your SEO, it is highly recommended to work on the structure, navigation, and content of the website. Make it useful for the users. The longer they stay, the more likely you’ll rank up higher.
2) Mobile Responsive Website
Mobile is not limited to making phone calls only. The majority of the people across the globe have a mobile phone and online shopping has become extremely popular. The current pandemic COVID-19 has further made people shop online.
Around 60% of searches are made by using a mobile phone. This means that a huge majority of the audience are landing on your website by using their cellphones.
If your website is not responsive to the different mobile devices then get ready to say goodbye to your potential customers. Your website should be easy to access on mobile devices. Furthermore, it should fit the frame of the mobile so the user doesn’t have to scroll to the right or left of the screen to see the other half of the website or the written content.
Make sure that mobile navigation is user friendly. If your website is cluttered or not optimized for mobile devices, then the user won’t stay for long and will leave the website without thinking twice.
When a user leaves without interacting on the website, it increases your chances for lower-ranking, or in worst cases, you might not be able to land on the first page.
3) Optimize for Voice Search
Voice typing is gaining popularity because of the ease it provides to people. The voice typing option is used by approximately 25% of the US adults that means out of every 4 people, 1 person uses voice typing.
Therefore, when you curate the content of your website, make sure to use the long tail of keywords that will be used by a user during voice search.
For instance, when people type, they generally use a few keywords on the search engine. But, a person who uses a voice search feature often uses long-tail keywords. If a person is looking for cat food online, he will type ‘cat food, cat diet, snacks for the cat,’ etc. If the same thing is searched by a person using voice search, then he’ll say, ‘Cat food available online, where will I find cat food in my area?’ etc.
Keep both kinds of people in mind when you design your content.
4) Produce User-Oriented Content
The famous saying ‘Content is the King’, is there for a reason.To boost the SEO of your website, you must pay extra attention to your content.
Your website’s content should be refreshed frequently. Keeping the old and repetitive content will bore your visitors and they will exit your website.
To drive more traffic to your website, your content must be unique, useful, and relevant.
If the users find the content they are looking for on your website, then they will spend more time on your website and it will ultimately improve your chances to rank up higher.
5) Create a Blog Page
Blogging is not only to promote something but it is a great way to invite huge visitors to your website.
Blogs allow the websites to include the long tail of keywords that are usually used by the users when they are looking up for their queries. This also helps in improving SEO.
As stated earlier that fresh and unique content attracts visitors and when they spend more time on your website it improves your chances of getting a higher rank. The best way to keep your website updated with relevant, interesting, and useful content is by maintaining a blog page.
If the visitor likes the content on your page and interacts then you can expect him to come back to your website again. His positive user experience will impact your ranking.
6) Resolve Broken Links
Broken links can be detrimental to your SEO. It is a common practice to attach hyperlinks to authority websites to make your content more authentic.
But, make sure that the links you have attached are working and not broken. There is a high probability that when you attached the link it was working but the authority website might have removed that page or blog that you had linked.
Therefore, check the previous links that you have provided to your visitors. If they are working then great, but if they aren’t then you know what to do.
7) Provide Appropriate Contact Information
A user who lands on your page must interact with your page if you want better rankings. If a person exits your website just after his landing, then your SEO is going to be crushed.
Your website must appear as a trustworthy one. Make sure that you provide relevant information about your business, contact number, email address, and address (if you have any physical store).
By providing your information your business appears to be professional and it’s easier for people to place their trust in you.
Failing to provide relevant information about the business and other contact details, may result in the downfall of your SEO.
8) Get Social
Having a strong online presence boosts the SEO of a website. Social media is a powerful tool for businesses. It not only increases brand awareness and helps in marketing, but it also improves the SEO ranking.
Wondering how?
Well, when you publish a post or an infographic on your website and provide the social sharing buttons, there are increased chances that if people find your content or infographic useful or interesting, they will share it with their friends on social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, etc.
Therefore, make social sharing an integral part of your SEO strategy. All you have to do is include social sharing icons on all your content. This way it would be easier for people to post your content and pictures on their profile.
Furthermore, you can also provide links to your social media accounts. Make sure you are present on all the major social media websites such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, etc. to increase your brand awareness.
9) Compress Your Code
Another important tip to boost your SEO is to optimize your code. It means to get rid of unwanted codes, spaces, lines, and other elements.
Long and useless strings of code put the burden on the webpage and reduce the overall speed of the website. Having bulky codes gives the search engine bots less time to crawl all the pages of your website.
Therefore, to provide adequate time to search engine bots for crawling your websites, minify your code.
Remove extra spaces, formatting, commas, code comments, and other unnecessary characters to compress your code and optimize the speed.
You can use the following applications to remove excessive and unwanted code from your website:
- HTMLMinifier for minifying HTML code
- CSSNano for minifying CSS
- UglifyJS for optimizing JavaScript
10) Speed Up
The saying ‘time is money’ cannot be more true when it comes to the online world. Every single minute can be profitable for the business. If your webpage takes forever to load or fails to load all the resources on your page, then the customer will exit your website, without thinking twice.
A slow website influences the experience of the user from your website. It can harm your SEO ranking.
Make sure your code, pictures, and other resources are optimized to increase the speed of the page.
Pulling the Plug…
Developing an SEO strategy is not a one-time thing. Rather, it is an ongoing process to stay ahead of your rivals. SEO strategies should be thoroughly developed and reviewed. They should also be flexible so that you can implement new changes for better, yet optimum results.
Use the above-mentioned tips to boost your SEO and to take your brand on a whole new level.

Digital Web Services (DWS) is a leading IT company specializing in Software Development, Web Application Development, Website Designing, and Digital Marketing. Here are providing all kinds of services and solutions for the digital transformation of any business and website.