Top 10 Essential Free WordPress Plugins For Aspiring Bloggers

Designing is all about using your creativity and imagination. Nowadays there is an increasing demand of the designers to create the website, design logos, and many other tasks.

Considering how it has taken over the world, you must bring something innovative and think out of the box. WordPress is the world’s top blogging platform. Many people started using it to earn. In addition, there’s a wide usage of CMS included.

Having a career in web development and designing today’s era of technology is very rewarding. In fact, many young people are choosing to design as their bread and butter.

Are you someone who is planning to go for designing or perhaps switch the career, or someone who is dealing with WordPress every day?

Then, in this blog, we have mentioned down top 10 free WordPress plugins for bloggers and designers. To know more about it, keep scrolling until you reach down!

Here We Have Describe 10 Best Free WordPress Plugins For Bloggers:

1. NextGen Gallery

Being a designer, your primary duty is to make everything looks appealing to the eyes. Therefore, to make it happen you can use the NextGen Gallery plugin. It helps you in navigating and sharing the beautiful images easily on the blog.

With this plugin, you can also create the slideshows, organize the albums, and display the images optimally with the help of themes.

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2. The Events Class

The Event Class plugin will permit you in creating the events and thereby adding the functionality like calendar view, search events, and many more options.

If you have a client who regularly runs the events then this plugin is an excellent way of saving the time.

3. WP Greet Box

WP Greet Box welcomes your visitors with a lovely message. The best part about this plugin is it determines where you are coming from and accordingly weaves the message.

For instance, if the plugin finds a link of your website on any social media app, then the greeting will invite the visitors to like your posts. In this way, you are able to communicate and expand your social media marketing and presence.

4. Page Builder

Page Builder creates innovative layouts and works with all the themes and plugins. Without any sort of coding knowledge, you can create the page layouts. It’s an ideal plugin for the non-technical user who wishes to make the website look stunning.

5. Global Translator

Nowadays, many websites wish to translate the content to multiple languages across the world. To make it easier for you as a designer, simply install the Global Translator plugin. As the name suggests it translates in 41 languages.  But, remember, it does create some errors while translating.

6. JetPack

JetPack plugin is a very famous plugin. It is known for its functionality. There are many functions and a variety of them included. For instance, email subscription to the site, built-in URL shortener service, social media sharing, inline spelling, and grammar.

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7. Antispam Bee

The last thing you want is the spammers to clutter your website. To prevent it from happening the designers must use the Antispam Bee plugin. Whenever you see a spamming comment, you can delete or mark them to review afterward.

8. Soliloquy

If you are someone who wishes to install slider functionality, then go for the Soliloquy plugin. It creates the drag and drops page builder. Soliloquy plugin is also considered to be a mobile-friendly plugin that creates dynamic sliders from the featured posts, testimonials, Instagram feed and more.

9. WP Invoice

Looking for streamline? Then WP Invoice is the best plugin to install as it allows you in creating modern invoices and mail them to the clients. Simple to use and saves time.

10. Floating Social Bar

The Floating Social Bar is a famous social media plugin. It’s very responsive hence making it possible to add all the social media networks. You can add this plugin to the blog posts, pages, and many more types.

So, that was all about the top 10 essential free WordPress Plugins that you must install being an aspiring designer. To make your website look innovative and user-friendly try it installing inside your website for enhanced functionality. If you like the blog, then do share, and drop the suggestions in the comment section below.

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