6 Steps To Choose The Right Offshore Software Development Company

Are you considering hiring software developers from overseas to build your envisioned product? Indeed, that is the best thing to do if you are a resource-wise founder looking to hire top-notch talents. Besides, you probably know by now that outsourcing and offshoring are highly rewarding business practices. 

Finding the right offshore development company to collaborate with is where the challenge arises. 

Why is it important?

Regardless of your specific objectives, your business is all about three fundamental values: your time, your money, and your product/result. Partnering with the wrong offshore software development company can make as much harm as much good would partnering with the right one do. 

So you should better belong to the latter. Why?

  • It costs you money. Investing in a team that adds no value to your business is a trap you want to avoid.
  • It takes your time. It is a time that the right team could use to build your product and scale your business.
  • It compromises your results. And that’s of paramount importance. The team you hire should commit to helping you bring to life your envisioned product and add value to your business. Anything less would result in needless frustration.

How to choose the right offshore company?

The offshore software development company you choose will make or break your endeavors. This is why you should learn how to choose an offshore software development company before getting down to hiring. In this article, we’ll show you go over five essential steps to keep in mind to succeed and save your resources. 

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Step 1: Clearly define your needs.

The best offshore company for you will be the one that will fulfill your needs the best. That is why you should start by clearly understanding your own needs. 

Outline your specific needs, objectives, values, and expectations. Confront them with your budget, internal resources, skill-set, and desired offshore model. Setting clear goals and expectations will help you find which offshore software development company is most suitable for reaching your business goals. 

Step 2: Explore their experience & expertise.

The second most viable test of a potential partnership is the expertise in development you need. The company you choose must specialize in the specific software development you need. It should either be part of their core skill-set or main specialization and supported by a solid portfolio. 

When analyzing their portfolio, look for quantified results (like return, yield, and cost-effectiveness) and testimonials. The portfolio is a mirror of your software partner’s skill-set. Consider it accordingly. 

Step 3: Measure effectiveness, not just the costs.

Although offshoring is a formidable tool for optimizing costs, you should avoid compromising the quality of work received. Instead, prioritize quality, high returns, and effectiveness. Especially if you plan on scaling your business, there is no business rationale in saving money over quality. 

A lesson most of us learn the hard way is that $1,000 a month more in labor costs is worth it if it brings you $4,000 more in revenue. Therefore, choose the offshore company which offers the best combo of attractive prices and software quality.

Step 4: Cultural fit. 

This step is important in terms of time zones and the working styles of your future team. Since offshore development companies usually work with talents from India and Eastern Europe, these issues should be brought to the table right away. 

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To ensure effective collaboration with your future team, discuss these issues with your potential partner and set out a clear way of integrating your team into your virtual workplace.

Step 5: Communication and management check.

Issues are a part of the working routine. Make sure that the software company you’re considering has a set of procedures in place for solving issues promptly. For instance, inspect the communication tools recommended by them to ensure smooth, constant, and real-time communication. 

Minimizing miscommunication within your team is a precondition for efficiency. Do not underrate it.

Step 6: Level up integration and emotional investment in your business.

The low emotional investment of the offshore team in the business they work for is a common concern. Poor human interaction and high employee turnover rates are the main causes of this. However, you need a team of tech visionaries inspired by your business goals and devoted to achieving them. 

This aspect is rarely considered by founders when hiring offshore talents, but its importance hits them shortly. Look to partner with an offshore development company that prioritizes integrating their team into every layer of your business: from operational to emotional. 

In a nutshell…

TurnKey is an offshore development company that promotes all the elements mentioned above in their services, with a highlight on the last one. TurnKey understood that the high emotional investment of employees is crucial for meeting your goals. They assist with the full integration of talents into your business model following your specific values and objectives. 

This five steps approach (with a highlight on the fifth) proves to be the most viable for recruiting top-notch offshore teams. Follow it to find an offshore software development company that meets your development needs in a manner aligned with your specific business needs.


Digital Web Services

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