How Video Surveys Help You Understand Customers

Modern technologies develop so fast that some aspects of our day-to-day lives come and go unnoticeable, and they are replaced by more technologically advanced and usually convenient alternatives.

Exploring new ways of communication, and especially communication with customers in the times when competition across all the industries is extremely fierce, is very important for any marketer or a company owner. And one of these new ways of communication that we would like to recommend you implement in your business processes as soon as you can is a video survey.

This exciting new way to get so needed feedback from your customers is your next big thing tool that will help your company to reach the top of the industry. Want to know more? Keep reading!

What is a video Survey?

So, let’s get down with the terms and learn what a video customer survey really is. Basically, it is just like any other survey you do to do research about your product, but this time the survey questions are answered through the video made by a customer.

All you need to do is prepare a list of questions to ask your customers and make a short list of rules for a survey video. For example, you can ask people to show the product on camera to make sure that they really bought and used it, or you can ask them to share their honest opinion only, and bring some alternative ideas of using your stuff.

What’s very important for you is to make these survey videos easy to do. Do not ask for high-quality records, and ask only a couple of questions, always leaving the space for personal opinions.

Additionally, you need to understand that even if your product is a life-saver and people are swearing by it, only a few of them will bother to make a video for you for nothing. So, if you want your survey to be successful, always offer some sort of a bonus for making a video for it: a discount, a voucher or maybe even a free service.

Trust us, people will appreciate something in exchange for their precious time, and you can get more orders thanks to those discounts.

Why do you need to use video surveys in your marketing strategy?

Video surveys are not exactly new-new in marketing, but now is the best time to use them. Almost everybody has a smartphone (according to studies, only 15% of the adult population in the USA do not have a smartphone, but they still have a cell phone of some sort) today, and it is a natural crime to not leverage the opportunity to make video surveys for people to respond.

Video surveys are an amazing marketing tool that gives you six times more information than any text survey can. Video responses are more emotional, give you more perspective, and a person usually can talk for hours about the products they loved or hated, but they will not spend more than ten minutes on creating a photo or text feedback. Yes, people are too busy and lazy nowadays to just text, so giving them the opportunity to create forms online or create a video response to a survey is a smashing idea.

Undeniable advantages of video surveys

Surveys can give you even more than things we will talk about soon. However, these particular factors will be absolutely beneficial to your company and will help you to improve every aspect of your communication with customers and the product you make in general.

Let’s start with one of the most important pros of video surveys, and it is:

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It is easier for a customer to say everything in a video than write it down

Do you, as a modern busy person, really have the time to sit and answer dozens of questions in a traditional survey? Of course, you don’t!

We must say that only a few of us can take a survey in a traditional way nowadays, not get bored and finish it on time. It is so much easier for a person to make a few clicks and start answering on camera, sharing their customer experience on a video, and sending the survey answers for you in a matter of seconds.

It may seem that some people prefer to be more private and do not show their faces on camera, but if you offer them some kind of a treat in exchange for the video, as we have mentioned before, we are sure that even them will eventually take this chance.

Working with videos surveys is very easy with modern technologies

Your part of the agreement is to make surveys enjoyable to customers. Their part in this task is to give you responses. But there’s the third part: automated transcription software that will help you analyze the videos and get all kinds of information and statistics from them.

Naturally, if you got about a dozen of answers, you can go through all of them by yourself, but what if you have a couple of thousands of them? The transcription software removes this barrier between you and the customer’s video and gives you the opportunity to get just a transcripted text, where you can point on stop words to find the exact information you need.

These programs offer very high, up to 90% accuracy, and they are much better than people doing the same job. Not to mention that this software can transcribe hundreds of videos in a matter of hours, and a person can do only a couple of them within the same period of time.

After the transcribing process is finished, you can use various analytics tools to deeply analyze the content you have got and maybe get a whole new perspective on your company and products.

Surprisingly, people are willing to share their opinions!

We are positive that the whole idea of asking people to make video responses for your surveys sounds crazy for some of you who are reading this article. It may be true in some cases, but the truth is that the latest studies show that people actually would prefer giving video responses and reviews, not text ones.

They love encouraging customer engagement this way, and it seems that more and more respondents find answering surveys via their smartphone camera much more convenient and efficient than in the long document.

We also need to thank bloggers and influencers for that because their lifestyle and the way they show off their lives for the whole world to see, make regular people more willing to share their opinions online too. Also, most of us watch review and tag videos from influencers, and we just know how a proper video response to a survey should look like, even if we have never done it before.

It is also a great way to be more inclusive and ask for opinions from people who can’t take a text survey for one reason or another, but they can make a video response to your survey and feel that their voice has been heard too.

You get feedbacks across multiple platforms

Feedback can usually be placed only on the official product website or a specialized platform. But when you deal with video surveys, you can get so much more exposure!

People can create small or bigger clips and upload them on Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, and YouTube, giving a survey a much more personal touch and, of course, a feeling that this particular video is absolutely genuine, not a marketing tool. Even if it is.

Getting customer feedback this way will absolutely help to grow your reputation and bring awareness to your brand. It will seem to a regular person that everybody talks about your product, so why don’t they check it too?

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Video surveys are much more intimate responses

Studies show that video surveys get much more emotional, but at the same time, kind feedback from customers. People do not mind sharing their opinion, but when they do it on camera, instead of writing, they are much more conscious about the exact words they are using.

That’s why video reviews and feedback look much more trustworthy to people who only start exploring your brand: they see a real person using a real product in real life.

Video surveys also make a customer feel like you and them are in one boat, and you are much more connected than before. And given that nowadays companies try to achieve an unseen level of openness, video surveys can be your key to a happy union with your customers!

You can create marketing videos using video surveys

After getting surveys back, you can use them to create an ultimate feedback video that will show potential customers what other real people think about your products.

You can crop and merge videos you got during this marketing company, add background and music with the help of a video editor and create an ultimate feedback clip to show to your customers, partners, and everyone who would like to know why they should trust your company. Be sure to convert the clip in the online video converter to make your video accessible on any platform or media.

This will be more than just screenshots from your official website when people can’t see people behind the text. This video will show people’s true emotions and experiences with your company and why they love and use your product.

We have the only note here: make sure that people know beforehand that if they create a video answer for your survey, they transfer intellectual property for this video in your hands. They should be warned that you can use their videos regarding your product in your marketing campaign to avoid any legal problems.

So get informed consent on using video answers from every party in this agreement, and you are good to go!

They give you the opportunity to change and improve

Video surveys give you an excellent field to find all the misses and failures of your products or your company. It is especially true for the ones that are not so obvious for you or your team, but customers see them.

When you get negative reviews in video surveys, take them as blessings and an opportunity to grow. You can use them to fix the issues and create another video with your point of view on a situation and how you handled it to leave the customer satisfied.

Trust us, most customers look not only on positive or negative reviews (which both can be bought) but also on your company’s personality, openness, and ability to handle all situations with style.

You get priceless research materials!

We have already talked about how video surveys can help you manage negative reviews, but another side of this process is that you can get information not only for the improvement in the future but for avoiding mistakes right now.

Video surveys can give you a really interesting perspective on where your company is heading and what can be done to avoid any failures in the future.

We suggest you use these surveys to ask your customers what possible mistakes can happen if you go one or another way, and we guarantee that you will get very interesting opinions to think about!

And the last thing we want to mention is that video surveys can give you more information about your product, and help measure product-market fit, whether you are hitting the right audience, and many more interesting details you probably would not get any other way.


Customer experience is your main source of information about what goes wrong and right in your company. In the age of technology, we have many opportunities to get decent reviews and survey answers to make our marketing strategies more effective.

We hope you found this article helpful, and we wish you to have many big and small marketing victories in the future! Start using video surveys, and you will see how the audience’s involvement in your company’s life grows because, frankly, they are interested in them too. Good luck!

Digital Web Services

Digital Web Services (DWS) is a leading IT company specializing in Software Development, Web Application Development, Website Designing, and Digital Marketing. Here are providing all kinds of services and solutions for the digital transformation of any business and website.

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