How to Create Robots.txt File for Website

A robots.txt file is a simple text file used by websites to communicate with web crawlers and bots. It tells search engine robots which pages or sections of the site should or should not be crawled. This helps optimize your site’s SEO and control the flow of search engine traffic. In this article, we will walk you through how to create a robots.txt file for your website, how to configure it, and how to use it for SEO benefits.

What is a Robots.txt File?

A robots.txt file is a plain text file placed in the root directory of a website to guide search engine crawlers (or “bots”). It consists of instructions or rules known as “directives” that tell search engines which parts of your site they are allowed to crawl and which parts they should avoid. For example, you might want to block certain private pages, staging environments, or duplicate content from being indexed by search engines.

How to Create a Robots.txt File

Creating a robots.txt file is a straightforward process. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to do it:

  1. Create a New Text File: Start by creating a new file in a text editor (like Notepad or TextEdit).

Add Directives: Inside the file, you will specify the rules for web crawlers. The basic structure of a robots.txt file looks like this:
Copy code
User-agent: *

Disallow: /private/

  1. In this example:
    • User-agent: * means that the rule applies to all search engine crawlers.
    • Disallow: /private/ tells crawlers not to index anything in the /private/ directory.
  2. Save the File: Once you’ve added your desired rules, save the file as robots.txt.
  3. Upload to Your Website: Finally, upload the robots.txt file to the root directory of your website (e.g.,

Robots.txt File Syntax

The robots.txt syntax is essential for ensuring that your file works as intended. Here are the main components:

  • User-agent: Specifies the web crawler to which the rule applies (e.g., Googlebot, Bingbot).
  • Disallow: Tells the crawler which pages or directories it should not crawl.
  • Allow: Lets the crawler access specific pages or directories even if they are in a disallowed folder.
  • Sitemap: You can include a reference to your sitemap in the robots.txt file, which helps crawlers find your sitemap file.
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Copy code

User-agent: Googlebot

Disallow: /private/

Allow: /private/public-page/


How to Configure Robots.txt for SEO

Configuring your robots.txt file correctly is crucial for SEO optimization. If you want to prevent certain pages from being crawled or indexed, the robots.txt file is an essential tool. For instance, if your site has duplicate content or irrelevant pages, you can use robots.txt for SEO to block bots from indexing these parts. However, be careful when blocking pages, as some content you may think is unnecessary could still contribute positively to your SEO.

For example, you might block certain admin pages, but keep public pages like blog posts or product pages open for indexing.

Robots.txt for WordPress

If you’re using WordPress, creating a robots.txt for WordPress is just as simple. Many WordPress sites come with a built-in robots.txt file, but it might not be visible in your file directory. You can edit this file by using plugins like Yoast SEO or directly from your hosting control panel if you prefer manual editing.

How to Block Search Engines with Robots.txt

Sometimes, you may want to prevent specific search engines from crawling your website entirely. For example, if you’re working on a private site or preparing for a relaunch, you can use robots.txt to block search engines. This can be done with the following code:


Copy code

User-agent: *

Disallow: /

This tells all search engines not to crawl your entire site. However, once your site is ready for public indexing, you should remove this rule to allow search engines to crawl it again.

Robots.txt for eCommerce Websites

For eCommerce websites, using robots.txt can be a bit more nuanced. You might want to block search engines from crawling certain pages like checkout, cart, or user login areas to avoid index bloat. Here’s an example:


Copy code

User-agent: *

Disallow: /cart/

Disallow: /checkout/

Disallow: /user-login/

Blocking these pages helps search engines focus on your product pages and categories that contribute more to your site’s SEO performance.

Robots.txt Rules for Crawlers

To fully understand robots.txt rules for crawlers, it’s important to recognize that each search engine bot can follow its own set of rules. For example, Googlebot may interpret the directives differently than Bingbot, so always double-check how different search engines are interpreting your robots.txt file. You can use Google’s robots.txt tester to validate your file and ensure it’s set up correctly.

How to Prevent Bots from Crawling My Website

If you want to restrict specific bots from accessing your website or certain parts of it, the robots.txt file is the easiest and most common way to do so. Simply use the Disallow directive to prevent particular bots from crawling your site.

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Example to block a specific bot:


Copy code

User-agent: BadBot

Disallow: /

This code prevents the BadBot from crawling your website, while other bots may still have access unless explicitly blocked.

Best Practices for Robots.txt

There are several best practices for robots.txt you should keep in mind:

  • Ensure that your file is correctly placed in the root directory (e.g.,
  • Don’t block important pages that you want to be indexed.
  • Use Allow rules to give special permissions for certain pages.
  • Test your robots.txt file to ensure it works properly before going live.

Robots.txt Validation

Before making your robots.txt file live, it’s important to validate it using available tools. Robots.txt validation tools, such as Google’s Search Console or online testers, allow you to check if the syntax is correct and if the instructions are followed by the crawlers as expected.

Robots.txt for Google

If you’re specifically concerned about robots.txt for Google, the rules you set will directly affect how Googlebot indexes your site. Googlebot is one of the most significant search engine bots, so it’s important to ensure your robots.txt file is optimized for Google. Use Google’s robots.txt tester tool to ensure Googlebot follows your intended directives.

Customizing Robots.txt for Your Website

The customizing of robots.txt for your website allows you to control the flow of traffic from search engines and web crawlers. Depending on your website’s structure and needs, you might want to customize the file to block certain sections (e.g., user login, private directories) or prioritize important pages.

Robots.txt for Blog SEO

If you’re running a blog, robots.txt for blog SEO is vital. You may want to prevent crawlers from indexing tag or category pages that offer little value for search rankings. Here’s an example of how to block crawlers from indexing category pages:


Copy code

User-agent: *

Disallow: /category/

This ensures that only valuable blog posts are indexed, helping your SEO efforts.


Creating a robots.txt file for your website is an essential part of SEO and site optimization. By configuring the file correctly, you can manage the way search engines crawl and index your website’s content. Whether you’re blocking irrelevant pages, fine-tuning for Googlebot, or customizing rules for your eCommerce website, the robots.txt file is a powerful tool for controlling how your site appears in search engine results. Remember to regularly check and validate your file to ensure it aligns with your website’s goals and best practices for SEO.

Digital Web Services

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