Every SEO expert must be familiar with the top free article submission sites list to contribute their quality content to gain quality backlinks and brand awareness of their product and services online. Today, you can find lots of free article submission sites online, where you can directly submit your content and get instant approval on your article. Through this digital marketing tutorial blog section, we are providing top and high DA article submission sites with instant approval, where you can just one click to register your author account and publish your blog. Article submission sites are basically Off-page SEO activities for building backlinks for your website.
Here we have listed the best 700+ article submission websites for your blog posting that can improve your online brand visibility and provide quality links for your site. In SEO, Article submission sites provide opportunities for bloggers and marketers to submit their content to reputable and high-traffic websites.
What is Article Submission in SEO?
In article submission, you can submit your article or blog to another niche-specific site that can increase your website domain authority and traffic. In SEO, article submission is the best off-page SEO practice to get a high range of referrals and gain quality of backlinks for any website.
There are many Article submission sites, that allow you to publish articles on their websites. But before posting your content on any article posting site you must check the site’s relevancy. By posting your article on high authority sites you can attract more visitors to your website and improve your site’s search engine visibility.
Article Submission Sites List
S.No 100+ Free Article Posting Sites List 1 medium.com 2 linkedin.com 3 reddit.com 4 bloglovin.com 5 apsense.com 6 ezinearticles.com 7 klusster.com 8 tumblr.com 9 e27.co 10 livejournal.com 11 wakelet.com 12 bcz.com 13 wattpad.com 14 telegra.ph 15 postingsea.com 16 dewarticles.com 17 articlesfactory.com 18 write.as 19 penzu.com 20 vingle.net 21 Wizarticle.com 22 Selfgrowth.com 23 Rticleritz.com 24 Articleritz.com 25 manage.wn.comarticle 26 mytrendingstories.com 27 gumroad.com 28 articlesneed.com 29 inube.com 30 uberant.com 31 articlesbase.com 32 anotepad.com 33 articlepole.com 34 articlescad.com 35 go2article.com 36 uploadarticle.com 37 sooperarticles.com 38 techsite.io 39 mehfeel.netmehfeel 40 promotionworld.com 41 123articleonline.com 42 godry.co.uk 43 bingarticles.info 44 articleseen.com 45 ny.biznet-us.com 46 telescope.ac 47 insertarticles.info 48 ezarticlesdb.com 49 pr3-articles.com 50 article1.co.uk 51 pitnit.com 52 allthewebsites.org 53 articles.studio9xb.com 54 millionairex3.ning.com 55 articlebeast.online 56 articles.seoforums.me.uk 57 submitmyarticle.in 58 writeonwall.com 59 articleseen.com 60 simplysearch4it.com 61 jumparticles.com 62 articlecatalog.com 63 articles.mastercraftindia.com 64 articlexpress.co.uk 65 yaarikut.com 66 articlicious.com 67 articledirectoryusa.com 68 submitafreearticle.com 69 pr5-articles.com 70 americanarticle.org 71 articlesss.com 72 articlegift.com 73 globalarticlefinder.com 74 articlerockstars.com 75 netezinearticles.com 76 herbaltricks.com 77 sharehealthtips.com 78 articletrunk.com 79 srmarticles.com 80 otherarticles.com 81 ezinepost.com 82 popularticles.com 83 galoor.com 84 articlesjust4you.com 85 fivearticles.com 86 greatarticles.co.uk 87 fortunetelleroracle.com 88 creativebloggingworld.com 89 aniarticles.com 90 uberarticles.com 91 articlefans.com 92 warticles.com 93 articles87.com 94 pr4-articles.com 95 articles.mybikaner.com 96 openarticles.com 97 articlesreader.com 98 onfeetnation.com 99 merchantcircle.com 100 justpaste.it 101 articlesbd.com 102 articles.abilogic.com 103 storeboard.com 104 theomnibuzz.com 105 airtract.comarticles
Top 10 Free Article Submission Sites List Instant Approval
There are many article submission sites you can find online, but some of them are allowed you to get instant approval, and where some will take time to review your article before posting it. So here in this post section, we have the top 10 free instant approval article submission sites list, but before submitting your blog to any site you must read their editorial guidelines.
⇣High DA Article Submission Sites⇣
S No. 600+ Free Article Submission Sites 2025 1 Sites.google.com 2 Quora.com 3 Github.com 4 Storify.com 5 Ezinearticles.com 6 Articlebiz.com 7 linkedin.com 8 Tumblr.com 9 myarticles.com 10 hashnode.dev 11 buzzfeed.com 12 mindsmag.com 13 mephimmymedia.com 14 tensionmatleyaar.com 15 fragnewz.com 16 theoxfordnews.com 17 techdailygossip.com 18 expertsadvices.net 19 humanhealthfitness.com 20 dailymagzines.net 21 onlineclasstime.com 22 savefromnetmag.com 23 smartworldone.com 24 dreamnewshub.com 25 party.biz 26 sonic.stamparticle.online 27 technologies-news.com 28 zaratechs.com 29 greatytene.com 30 fornewz.com 31 incomescircle.com 32 overorbit.com 33 starwalkershow.com 34 marketbusinesswatch.com 35 homeimprovementabout.com 36 ko-fi.com 37 worldishealthy.com 38 forbestech.online 39 readwritenews.com 40 amhyco.com 41 joegoldbergblog.com 42 kingofworldwidenews.com 43 writerspakistan.com 44 global-gathering.com 45 pharmahub.org 46 ezomblog.com 47 couponkaka.com 48 insaneyards.com 49 trendtuch.com 50 postmygp.com 51 justpaste.it 52 traveliogroup.com 53 articleted.com 54 triplegems.org 55 writeonwall.com 56 reddiary.co.uk 57 businessfig.com 58 dailyguestrank.com 59 bigmedium.site 60 statustags.com 61 dailygram.com 62 screenshot9.com 63 fscreats.com 64 quickbloging.com 65 healthslove.com 66 naga19.com 67 techcrams.com 68 seehowcan.com 69 thedigitalwebs.com 70 knowworld365.com 71 jobprime.in 72 marketfobs.com 73 pcgameshost.com 74 crazynewspaper.com 75 todaystory.org 76 sociologylibrary.com 77 newseveryday.co.uk 78 inkfreenews.net 79 theescapistapk.com 80 olaladirectory.com.au 81 trendinformations.com 82 marketinic.com 83 stickytags.in 84 sewrcd.com 85 easyfie.com 86 ticarticle.com 87 fushionworld.com 88 sevenarticle.com 89 thegloblenews.com 90 healthnpsych.com 91 bloglovin.com 92 mezkit.com 93 bukanhoax.org 94 penzu.com 95 heatbud.com 96 visserion.com 97 businesszag.com 98 zapz.tribe.so 99 sweatsign.com 100 sitessurf.com 101 top10apunkagames.com 102 apnewstime.com 103 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348 pedagogue.app 349 newstechrim.com 350 webrankscience.com 351 andreas25.com 352 a3art4play.com 353 dailykideals.com 354 secrecyfilm.com 355 blogorb.com 356 techtimes.uk 357 smashingmagzines.com 358 picukitech.com 359 topedgenews.com 360 newsyouknow.com 361 thyuvas.com 362 trendingmafia.com 363 newsdest.com 364 zaneym.org 365 casinopost.org 366 techvilly.com 367 droparticle.com 368 matejz.net 369 businesslug.com 370 feedgadgets.com 371 tokei123.org 372 geniusparknews.com 373 brcanskiforum.com 374 startupgb.com 375 usamediahouse.com 376 swingmeup.com 377 simpldos.com 378 magzined.com 379 forbesbullion.com 380 homejust.org 381 worldlatestamazingnews.com 382 nybpost.com 383 magazinozo.com 384 gpmarkaz.com 385 optimystictechnology.com 386 sarahbintabdulaziz.com 387 articlesall.com 388 thepostingtree.com 389 dizipost.com 390 holyhellions.com 391 empowerbusinessonline.com 392 dailybusinesspost.com 393 bioneerslive.org 394 happywheelsus.com 395 voicendo.com 396 dnncb.com 397 nazing.co.uk 398 Businessegy.com 399 bsnposse.com 400 forxtradingmarket.com 401 dailynewshubusa.com 402 breakingnews21.com 403 techwestnews.com 404 collectiveinfos.com 405 theworldknows.com 406 trumpbookusa.com 407 skysportsf.com 408 thenewsinternational.com 409 healthwishing.com 410 ravibarot.com 411 visualsolutionsonline.com 412 cellphonespy2014.com 413 techwole.com 414 freelancertowork.com 415 truxgo.net 416 topfivesearch.com 417 todayshomebuyersguide.com 418 easybusinesstricks.com 419 firstnewswallet.com 420 techbuzzonly.com 421 bshint.com 422 times2business.com 423 avpletime.com 424 articleinon.com 425 laptoparena.co.uk 426 fiablenews.in 427 magazetty.com 428 thekeyphrase.com 429 ezinenews.com 430 overinsider.com 431 bloggingfreak.com 432 nextiphonenews.com 433 creators.newsbreak.com 434 newsdailyarticles.com 435 thenytoday.com 436 businesshubnews.com 437 Businessgracy.com 438 watchtodaynews.com 439 publicnewsusa.com 440 viralnewsonly.com 441 visitfashions.com 442 blog.mymemories.com 443 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Benefits of Article Submission In SEO
Article submission has many benefits for SEO that can increase your website’s online visibility, Brand awareness of your product and services. Following are some of the other benefits of using article posting in SEO.
- By submitting your articles to high-authority websites and blogs, you can increase can reach to a wider audience and enhance your website traffic.
- As it is an Off-Page SEO technique, so you can generate backlinks for your website by posting your article on another site.
- It can Increase brand awareness and help to reach your targeted audience to generate more leads.
- It is free marketing of your article as a guest post author.
- Article submission can help to improve your website’s keyword ranking and visibility on search engines.
How To Submit Your Article
- If you are a beginner and going to submit your article then must follow the given steps.
- Firstly, you have to conform, to which types of niches your required for your content.
- Register your author account on a third-party website before submitting your article.
- Full-fill all the required fields, like your author bio, social media profile, country, phone number and more.
- Many article submission sites list that take time for review your profile, then allow to submit content.
- After getting approval of your author profile, you can able to submit your article for review.
- Few free article submission sites are allowed to direct submit your content with instant approval.

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