Four Easy and Honest Ways to Find out where someone works

You’ve met a great contact at a conference, struck up a conversation, and you think there may be synergies for you to work together. Maybe you want to offer them a job or hire them for a project. The only thing is: you can’t remember where they work. In this article, we’ll show you how to find where someone works online. 

So, if you’ve ever found yourself asking, “how can I find out where someone is employed?”, this article is for you! 

Why Would You Need to Find Someone’s Place of Employment?

You probably meet dozens of people every week, especially if you attend a lot of networking events. Perhaps you spoke to several different contractors, but you simply can’t remember at which company the contractor you liked the most worked. Perhaps someone gave you their phone number and name on a scrap of paper instead of a business, and you’d like to find out what the name of their company is so you can personalize a business pitch or proposal for their business. 

Perhaps you work at a job fair or in sales, and you’d like to track down where someone works on the Internet before reaching out over the phone. Whatever the reason, there is more than one way to find out where a person works for free.

How To Find Where Someone Works

Let’s dig into how to find out where someone works online. Bear in mind that not all of these methods will be equally effective. Many people are sensitive about their personal information, and go to great lengths to keep their personal details private. 

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1. Facebook

Facebook is one of the world’s biggest social media sites. It’s used by billions of people all over the world. The person you are looking for may have a profile, or promote their small business on Facebook, or might just be selling something on Marketplace. Because Facebook has an option for people to add their workplace information, you might be able to find the information you are looking for by conducting a simple name search. Not everyone reveals their workplace information publicly; you may need to send them a friend request to view their full profile. 

2. LinkedIn

LinkedIn is another popular option. It’s one of the biggest online networking sites, and many executives use it to communicate virtually, share thought leadership pieces and hunt for jobs. Again, you may need to connect with the person you want to find more information about, and there’s no guarantee that they have kept their details up to date. It’s also difficult to find someone that has a very common name and surname on these platforms. 

3. Google Search

If social media sites let you know, the easiest way to find out where a person works for free is to simply Google them. Again, this is not a highly accurate approach, especially if you only have a name. There could be millions of people with the same name and even a similar profession. Your search results could deliver the name of a previous employer that never updated their website or the details of another person that goes by the same name. If you do decide to go down this route, try to include as many details as possible, including details about their job title and location. 

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4. Public Information Records 

If none of these options work for you, or if you need to conduct a highly accurate search, it’s best to use a people search or public record search site. Public records contain information that isn’t considered confidential. This may include birth certificates, marriage and divorce records, and places of employment. These sites may charge a small fee, depending on the depth of the information you want to access, but they are generally a lot more accurate and detailed, which makes the fee worthwhile. As with any site, the more information you provide, the better the results you will get.


If you are asking yourself, “How can I find out where someone is employed?” you need to look into publicly accessible sites without restrictions. Social media and Google are good options, but you might not get the most accurate results. Public records can provide better data, and it’s easy to access.

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