Digital Marketing vs Traditional Marketing – Find The Best One

Promoting a business or services so that you could reach to the audiences is called marketing. Generally, two types of marketing strategies used one is traditional and digital marketing. However, digital marketing is very innovative strategy to reach out to the audience. But traditional marketing also gives the good approach. Therefore, digital marketing vs traditional marketing, which one is best in promoting. Which one help to reach maximum number of audience or could engage a greater number of relevant audiences.

What is Traditional Marketing?

This marketing method uses the traditional way in spite of internet. However, these methods use very less in this internet world but they were also the good to collect audience or customers. The few of common traditional marketing methods are as follows.

  • Newspaper and Magazine Ads
  • Television and Radio commercials Ads
  • Phone calls and text msg
  • Directly mailed postcards and pamphlets

This medium was very famous and in use also in 90’s when internet was not reachable to all.

What is Digital Marketing?

Basically, digital marketing uses the digital platform or online platform to promote product or services. This is new technology and trends of today in marketing so it involves audience quick. At this 20’s time when humans spend their most of time in digital world or internet. So, it makes simple to get audience simply and quickly also. The digital marketing methods are:

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Difference Between Digital Marketing Vs Traditional Marketing

Both are very powerful to engage the audience through content. If we talk traditional marketing that is not means it is old because still now it is in using. Because magazine and newspaper are also uses most. And still now it can also a good way to promote services. But, yes in 20’s time digital marketing is most audience reachable approach. Which one is good and gives most value to business, here we are evaluating it?

  • First and important difference of media or platform, digital platform is used more in today’s life so it is easy to get audience through it.
  • If we choose according to expenditure then digital marketing is inexpensive to newspaper, magazine or tv promotions.
  • In digital marketing, you get more space to give the product specification instead of limited column of newspaper and TV ads.
  • Newspaper or other traditional way can cover a particular area but web advertising has reachability over the world.
  • In digital marketing you can targeted the particular group or criteria like age, location etc. So that you could get suitable approach of customers.

However, Digital marketing is today’s generation choice because they always connect with it through smartphone. While user does not use newspaper or magazine on daily basis. And most vital factor is for it is budget. Digital marketing is less expensive than traditional. Aside from in less expenditure, digital platform reaches out more audience and spent more time with audience.


Digital marketing and traditional marketing both are powerful weapons to connect users. Although, digital platform is most used now by new generation. Meanwhile the basic thing is budget and targeted audience. And which method is in your budget and helpful to get your targeted audience. Because, traditional method is good to reach old generation through magazine or newspaper.  While new generation expend their most of time on digital media. But it we have to choose best one according to todays time benefit. Then Digital marketing is trendy, low budget and have heavy audience approach.

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Digital Web Services

Digital Web Services (DWS) is a leading IT company specializing in Software Development, Web Application Development, Website Designing, and Digital Marketing. Here are providing all kinds of services and solutions for the digital transformation of any business and website.

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