
A Comprehensive ClickSSL Review: Leading Vendors in SSL Market

When you decide to purchase an SSL certificate and have determined which type of certificate to buy, the next choice you face is that of which certificate vendor to choose. And when you start looking for a vendor, you’re certainly going to hear a few names. ClickSSL is also among those names, and in this article, we’re going to do a thorough review of their SSL offerings. They’re one of the largest vendors in the market of cheap SSL certificates, so it makes sense to find out what makes them so successful. Let’s dive into the details!

SSL Certificates Offered by ClickSSL

ClickSSL offers all types of SSL certificates that are available in the market. The certificates can be divided into three types based on the number of domains they protect, and each of them is available on ClickSSL. Here’s a basic overview of each of them:

  • Single domain SSL certificates: These certificates protect just one domain – nothing more, nothing less. You can’t secure any of your subdomains with this certificate. The benefit of this limitation is that these certificates cost the least.
  • Wildcard SSL certificates: These certificates protect one of your root domains and all the subdomains you create below the root domain. That makes it a good choice for most small business owners because you can create new websites on as many subdomains as you wish to support your business’s growth.
  • Multi-domain SSL certificates: Finally, there’s this breed of SSL certificates, which protects all your domains as well as subdomains created below them. Needless to say that these certificates provide the highest level of scalability for your business because you no longer need to worry whether or not your existing certificate will protect a new domain/subdomain. As a result, these certificates also cost the most.
  • Domain Validation (DV) SSL certificates: These certificates merely require an individual or organization to prove their ownership of the domain. That requires only the verification of the email address that was used to purchase the domain – nothing else.
  • Organization Validation (OV) SSL certificates: These certificates require you to prove your organization’s legal existence by submitting some documents regarding the same. Only after the verification of those documents a certificate of this validation level is issued.
  • Extended Validation (EV) SSL certificates: These certificates require not only the submission of documents proving the legal existence of your organization but also the documents proving that your business has been in existence from least three years. These certificates also show the organization’s name to which they have been issued when someone clicks on the green padlock icon, something like this:
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The ClickSSL Partner Program

ClickSSL also has an excellent referral partner program for people who want to get cheap SSL from ClickSSL. The ClickSSL referral program allows anyone to set up a storefront for selling its SSL products quickly. There’s no need to have a payment gateway for accepting credit cards and no need to spend anything else for joining the program. You can get started simply by paying for a domain and hosting and setting up your store on that domain and hosting with custom branding. The products can be added to our store and sold with ClickSSL API, and all orders coming through your store are routed directly to ClickSSL through the API only. Moreover, you can also set your margins for each product.

ClickSSL Features

There are many features of ClickSSL that make it truly unique in the large market of SSL vendors.  It’s affordable, it has got the widest range of CA partners, and all of its offerings come with a 100% money back guarantee. Here’s a brief introduction to all of its key features:

  • Affordability: ClickSSL certificates, on average, are 79% cheaper than the certificates sold by other vendors. There’s hardly anyone who can offer you a deal better than this company.
  • Choice: All reputed CAs (i.e. Comodo, RapidSSL, DigiCert, Thawte, etc.) have partnered with ClickSSL, so their bouquet of SSL offerings is much bigger than most other vendors. You can easily compare the features and prices of various SSL providers on their site and choose the best option for your needs.
  • 30-day money-back guarantee: All ClickSSL certificates also come with a 30-day money-back guarantee. It means that if you’re not satisfied with the SSL certificate and its experience, you can request a refund within 30 days.
  • 24×7 support: ClickSSL also has a strong support team that is always available to assist its customers. First of all, they’ve extensive documentation to help you install the certificate and fix things yourself if you get stuck somewhere. However, if you’re still unable to resolve your issue, then you can contact their support team through any of the popular communication channels, and they’ll assist you at the earliest.
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These are some major unique features of ClickSSL. There are many others too, but these are the big ones.

Summary: Why Choose ClickSSL?

By now, it must be clear to you why ClickSSL is the best choice for your SSL certificate. But if you’re still wondering whether or not it’s the right choice for you and why should you choose it, here’s a quick rundown of everything that makes it better than its competitors:

  • Affordability
  • 24×7 support
  • The most comprehensive range of CA partners
  • Transparency
  • Reliability

Therefore, you can choose it without having any second thoughts. It’s one of the best SSL certificate providers to buy SSL certificates right now, and you should take advantage of its features to obtain the perfect certificate for your business. If you still have any questions about it, share them in the comments. And if not, then submit your CSR today and get your certificate from ClickSSL.

Digital Web Services

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