Reasons Why Instagram Live Is Becoming Popular Among Marketers

Today almost all social media platforms are offering the opportunity to Livestream. That is predominantly because it is an incredibly powerful and effective way of connecting with your target audience and building up your unique brand. According to Later, Instagram Live is an amazing platform for boosting engagement, driving new followers, and even selling your products. However, there is no scope for retakes, as far as Instagram Live is concerned. That could make things look quite daunting and challenging while you are getting ready for your first broadcast. Instagram Live videos provide marketers with another vibrant platform for connecting and interacting with their target audience.

Even though marketers had some justified apprehensions using IG Live, it could prove to be incredibly beneficial for brands and businesses. There could be several reasons for using IG Live. We know that the Instagram algorithm is used to rewarding accounts that use all the functions of the platform. Moreover, once you are on live video, you will be pushed automatically to the very top of the Instagram Stories lineup. It will be at the very top of the Insta feed of your followers.

Instagram is also used to the idea of sending a push notification informing your entire audience that you will be going live. It could be a great chance for marketers and businesses to capitalize on it judiciously since this an alternative way of obtaining more visibility for your branded and unique content. It is high time marketers and businesses took Instagram Live seriously and integrated it into your specific content development plan and marketing strategy. Instagram Live will grow in popularity hence marketers should focus on leveraging the power of live streaming. Today you can hire agency for instagram marketing and instant boost to your business on Instagram.

Here Are Some Reasons For Instagram Live to Gain Popularity

Helps in Boosting Engagement

The algorithm values those who go live because it is an indicator that they are willingly participating and growing their presence. The fact that people are joining your session and engaging with you while you are Live is as good an indicator as any that you have an active fan base that is living in the moment with you and willing to see more content from you. These are all likely to ensure that your profile receives favorable treatment when it comes to ranking, so your content is close to the top of feeds and not lost to obscurity.

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It is vital because while apps like Instagram have infinite scrolling and try to be as engaging and addictive as possible, people still have limited attention spans and are likely to eventually bounce off their feeds. If your post isn’t towards the top, they may never get to see it. Logically, you should be doing everything in your power to rank higher, and going live just happens to be a relatively simple and effective route.

Gives Top Priority to Stories 

As Instagram is giving a push to live content, whenever someone opens the app, the first row, which is usually reserved for stories, is populated first with links to streams of Live users. This prime real estate is not earned easily, and you must exploit the opportunity to attract as many eyeballs as possible. You also get the option to post the entire live stream as a story to your profile after you are done. If you can get a visitor hooked, they are more likely to watch through the entirety of your live content and engage or even follow through to your website or any calls to action you may have provided.

With Stories, the ranking situation is even more intense than with posts. Users only get a handful of stories on the front page and would have to scroll horizontally to see who else has posted them. They are statistically much more likely to skim the first few entries and move on to reading posts and scrolling vertically if nothing interests them. Going live allows you to, in a manner, skip the queue and land up right in front. It is perfect for attracting and engaging followers.

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Live Videos Can Now Be Saved to IGTV

Instagram made an important announcement that Instagrammers now have the option of saving their Instagram Live videos straightaway to IGTV. Until recently, Instagram Live streams were available for the users exclusively while the live broadcast was in progress. Now users can opt for saving the Instagram Live video at once to their camera roll. They may consider re-uploading whenever they feel like it.

You can now enjoy the liberty to save Instagram Live videos directly to IGTV, a versatile Instagram app meant for longer-form videos. It implies that chefs, fitness instructors, musicians, and other professionals can go ahead and archive their live streams to make sure that viewers get the chance to watch the content even after 24 hours whenever you want. It could go a long way in boosting viewership.

Moreover, Instagram has come up with an announcement highlighting some options for monetization on IGTV. Experts believe that this new feature may help creators in expanding their overall IGTV content portfolio. It could go a long way in encouraging more creators to use the platform that has the potential to generate revenue through the content.


Instagram Live has been successful in breaking down the barrier that existed between your audience and you. It provides you with a golden chance to enjoy real conversation and actively interact in real-time. It is known to create a face-to-face experience for users to feel that the content is genuine and personal.

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