4 Efficiency Hacks For Remote Growth Teams

Managing a growth team and making sure they deliver can be difficult. But working with a remote growth team spread across the globe? That can be a completely different ballgame.

Having your growth team onsite makes it easy for all members to take collaborative steps and improve efficiency. However, with a remote growth team, you need to take extra measures to ensure everyone is efficient and effective, without compromising on their mental and physical health.

Given below are four simple efficiency hacks to help your growth team drive the kind of results you want, even when it’s working remotely.

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1. Enable Your Team to Work Away from Home

Working remotely from the comfort of your home is a dream for many. But when you’re working and living in the same place, the closed environment can easily become mundane. As human beings, we like change. So why not help your growth teamwork away from home and get more efficient?

Give your remote employees an option to work from a co-working space like WeWork. Going out and working around freelancers and other creative professionals is more likely to improve their efficiency.

You can also give them incentives such as Starbucks cards so that they can do their best work while chugging caffeine. After all, studies prove that drinking coffee can boost your productivity and make you feel better.

Also, if your business has international clients, you can have your remote growth team members visit clients onsite and get more efficient work done. And what about community events? Participating in them is sure to give your remote team members an opportunity to go out and connect with each other face-to-face.

Working remotely doesn’t have to be boring or make your growth team members feel disconnected. With a little bit of creativity and out of the box thinking, you can give them the best of both worlds. Which ultimately helps them achieve a better work-life balance.

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2. Give Clear and Specific Instructions

A company’s growth team is on a never-ending mission to experiment with new ideas or improve an existing practice for better impact. The team members are efficient on their own, but unless they get clear and specific instructions, the growth will be slow. You need to be on the same page as them.

Compared to an onsite team, instructing a remote growth team is a bigger challenge because of the lack of face to face interaction. Unless you are on a video call, it’s hard to tell how they are reacting to your suggestion or idea. A written response can only go so far.

When you’re working with your remote growth team, your messaging needs to be crystal clear. In order to get the results you want, even the minutest detail matters. Which is why you need to give them all the information they need to execute your ideas.

Do not make the mistake of assuming that your team members can easily “get” you. Take them by hand and instruct them in the clearest way possible. Avoid using vague or lazy sentences.This is especially important if some of your international team members are not well-versed with your native language.

3. Create a System to Give and Receive Regular Feedback

Your remote growth team can gain more efficiency if and when its activity is aligned with the company’s goals. One of the most effective ways to help them do that is by creating an efficient feedback system.

Using this robust system they’d not only receive feedback from you, but also give back or share any needed feedback. Studies have time and again proven that peer feedback is key to increasing workplace productivity. So why not use it to improve the efficiency of your remote team?

Just like in a regular office environment, performance reviews matter. By sharing feedback with each other, remote team members can feel motivated and inclined to improve their efficiency regardless of their location. Remember, constant feedback is even more important for a remote team since working alone can take its toll over time.

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Your growth team’s job is to help your company grow. Which means they will almost always have new and creative thoughts. Creating a remote environment where these thoughts are taken into consideration are bound to make each team member feel appreciated. Similarly, when they receive feedback on their performance from their peers, it gives them the much-needed direction and clarity.

To ensure your remote growth team is improving on all levels, go beyond one-on-one performance reviews. Add team reviews and whole-office meetings to the weekly or monthly schedule. Also, give all team members enough flexibility so that they’re able to give and receive feedback both formally and informally.

4. Give Awards and Acknowledge Efforts

Working on company growth is no easy task, especially if it’s a new startup facing an uphill battle. Besides equipping your growth team with the necessary remote tools, you should also focus on acknowledging their efforts and dedication.

When your remote team members know they’re competing for an award, they’ll naturally want to go out of their way to take action and implement new ideas. Recognition of any kind, even the smallest one, can help them bring out their inner drive and increase their efficiency. Such healthy competition ultimately leads to better collaboration, which in turn helps bring down stress levels arising from working remotely.

What kind of rewards can you give to keep them motivated? Anything from gift cards to free meals to concert tickets can work. You can even directly ask them what kind of rewards would interest them.

It’s important to note that recognizing your remote growth team members doesn’t have to stop at physical gifts. Use kind words to let them know that they’re making a difference and their efforts matter. Vocalize your appreciation as it can go a long way.

Last but not the least, create a leaderboard using an app like KeepTheScore so that team members can keep track of each other’s performance and try to become more efficient.

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