keyboard Shortcut Keys for Windows and Mac Users

Are you searching for the keyboard shortcut keys for Windows and Mac to boost productivity and work efficiency? Well, Here we are sharing with you the list of keyboard shortcut keys for Windows and MAC both operating systems.

Mastering keyboard shortcuts on both Windows and Mac systems can be a game-changer for enhancing your work productivity. Also, you can save time by using shortcut keys regularly.

Keyboard Shortcuts for Windows and macOS

Here we have shared some helpful keyboard shortcut keys lists for Windows and macOS operating systems. These Windows keyboard shortcuts and Mac keyboard shortcuts can be used as per your operating systems either Windows or Mac to enhance your performance without using a mouse:


S.NOFunctionWindows keyboard shortcutsMac keyboard shortcuts
1CopyCtrl + CCommand + C
2CutCtrl + XCommand + X
3PasteCtrl + VCommand + V
4UndoCtrl + ZCommand + Z
5RedoCtrl + YCommand + Shift + Z
6Select AllCtrl + ACommand + A
7SaveCtrl + SCommand + S
8PrintCtrl + PCommand + P
9OpenCtrl + OCommand + O
10FindCtrl + FCommand + F
11Find NextF3Command + G
12ReplaceCtrl + HCommand + Option + F
13New DocumentCtrl + NCommand + N
14Close DocumentCtrl + WCommand + W
15Quit ApplicationAlt + F4Command + Q
16Lock ScreenWindows + LControl + Command + Q
17Switch ApplicationsAlt + TabCommand + Tab
18Minimize WindowWindows + Down ArrowCommand + M
19Maximize WindowWindows + Up ArrowControl + Command + F
20Zoom InCtrl + Plus (+)Command + Plus (+)
21Zoom OutCtrl + Minus (-)Command + Minus (-)
22Open Task ManagerCtrl + Shift + EscCommand + Option + Esc
23Refresh PageF5Command + R
24New TabCtrl + TCommand + T
25Close TabCtrl + WCommand + W
26Reopen Closed TabCtrl + Shift + TCommand + Shift + T
27Next TabCtrl + TabControl + Tab
28Previous TabCtrl + Shift + TabControl + Shift + Tab
29ScreenshotPrint Screen (PrtScn)Shift + Command + 3
30Screenshot (Active Window)Alt + Print Screen (PrtScn)Shift + Command + 4
31BoldCtrl + BCommand + B
32ItalicCtrl + ICommand + I
33UnderlineCtrl + UCommand + U
34Increase Font SizeCtrl + Shift + . (Period)Command + Shift + >
35Decrease Font SizeCtrl + Shift + , (Comma)Command + Shift + <
36Align LeftCtrl + LCommand + L
37Align CenterCtrl + ECommand + E
38Align RightCtrl + RCommand + R
39Justify TextCtrl + JCommand + J
40Move to Beginning of LineHomeCommand + Left Arrow
41Move to End of LineEndCommand + Right Arrow
42Move to Beginning of DocumentCtrl + HomeCommand + Up Arrow
43Move to End of DocumentCtrl + EndCommand + Down Arrow
44Page UpPage UpFn + Up Arrow
45Page DownPage DownFn + Down Arrow
46Delete Previous WordCtrl + BackspaceOption + Backspace
47Delete Next WordCtrl + DeleteOption + Delete
48HelpF1Command + Shift + /
49RenameF2Enter (when item selected)
50RefreshF5Command + R
51Full ScreenF11Command + Control + F
52Inspect Element/Dev ToolsCtrl + Shift + ICommand + Option + I
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Conclusion on Keyboard Shortcuts

Shortcut keys on both Windows and Mac offer many benefits to enhance work efficiency. By using Shortcut keys users can perform tasks quickly and saving their time. It can also improve your computing experience by making tasks quicker. Whether you’re using Windows or Mac, using shortcut keys in your daily routine can significantly increase your productivity.

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