6 LinkedIn Tips To Boost Engagement

LinkedIn is a platform that allows you to build professional networks and boost your career development. Thus, it’s the best channel if you’re looking to grow your business contacts and expand your personal network. 

LinkedIn can help drive traffic to your website and other social pages, get you in front of decision-makers, and establish yourself as an influential leader within your niche. With all that said, maximizing the platform can be to your advantage. And one way to do this is by increasing your engagement. 

This article shares some tactics on how you can boost audience awareness and engagement for your LinkedIn profile.

Here are 6 LinkedIn Tips To Boost Engagement

  • Use A Scraper

Data is at the heart of any marketing efforts, especially when marketing on LinkedIn. With data, you can optimize, customize and refine your content and other marketing efforts to better engage your audience. 

LinkedIn does provide basic analytic tools that allow you to track key performance indicators (KPIs). However, if you want to look further, consider using a scraper. Simply put, a web scraper is a software program that can extract valuable data on a specific website. 

For instance, you can use a scraper to extract the profile detail of your prospective leads, which you can use in your marketing efforts for lead generation and nurturing. You can also use a scraper to extract leads from LinkedIn Sales Navigator, LinkedIn’s sales intelligence platform full of expansive insight, data, and relationship-building tools. 


  • Use Professional Photos

Your LinkedIn headshot can make or break first impressions. So, you should use professional and high-quality photos to make a positive impact. It doesn’t have to be too stiff or too formal, but enough to make you look professional and legitimate authority in your niche. 

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According to reports, having a professional profile photo can increase connection requests and profile views. So, make sure to use a quality image, showing your stand within your industry, brand values, and location. This should give page visitors a quick idea about your business.


  • Use Automation Tools

LinkedIn automation tools are various programs designed to mimic human behavior as they carry out activities on LinkedIn for you. These programs can help save you time while allowing you to run personalized campaigns. In addition, when used correctly, LinkedIn automation tools can help you achieve better engagement and deliver smarter lead generation without risking restrictions and bans on LinkedIn. 

The tools you need will depend on your marketing strategy. Some can help automate your content posting, while others are good for lead generation and nurturing efforts. There are even tools that can accurately predict personalities from a LinkedIn profile. 


  • Leverage Visual And Video Content

Studies and statistics show that articles and content with images tend to get higher views and engagement than those that don’t. However, images aren’t the only visual medium you can utilize. You can also add various types of visuals, such as slides, videos, or podcasts, to your LinkedIn post.

When adding content, it’s also best to upload it directly to LinkedIn instead of copy-pasting a link to another site that hosts it. For instance, if you’re posting a video, don’t paste a YouTube link. Instead, upload the video directly to LinkedIn. 


  • Tag Employees And Influencers

When you tag other users in your LinkedIn post, they’ll get a notification of the mention, which can encourage engagement. However, you shouldn’t be tied to only tagging those directly connected to you. You can also tag users who are of second-degree connections as well. Just make sure that you tag people who are relevant to the content you’re posting. Otherwise, you’ll appear spammy, which can hurt your engagement rates.

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A tip to note is to always be strategic in who you mention. Don’t over-mention the same users all the time as well. And more so, don’t tag many users in a single post either, since a post with a long list of names can appear spammy. 


  • Regular Posting

Regardless of any social platform you use, the best way to engage your followers and establish a successful LinkedIn marketing strategy is to be active. And as such, you need to have a solid presence by posting regularly and being consistent with your content. 

Your posts should mainly showcase the work you do, providing information for your audience and followers. And other than that, you should also show your expertise and knowledge by creating relevant and latest industry articles while also engaging with others and commenting on various industry topics. 


Wrapping Up

LinkedIn has become an integral part of today’s digital marketing efforts. And as one of the networking sites for creating business and professional connections, it’s essential that you have an active profile—regardless of if you’re seeking a job, promoting your brand, or networking. 

Following the above tips can help you increase engagement on your LinkedIn profile and establish deeper connections with your current followers and audience.

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