4 Features of PDFBear You Can Use to Maximize Your PDF Files

Today, we live in a world centered on technology and the internet. We now rely on everything for the internet. From doing bank transactions to ordering food and other necessities, to communicating with our family and friends. Everything can be done, thanks to the help of technology and the internet. Gone are the days of snail mail and beepers. Smartphones and tablets are the way to go! With this, you have to be well-aware of the progressions of the world and be in-the-know with the latest things which can help you make the most out of what you already have.

With the recent advancements of technology and the internet, most documents have now gone paperless. The most common format for paperless documents is in PDF. We want to help you out with your PDF documents by introducing you to an awesome online tool. Read on to find out more.


Hello, PDFBear!

PDF files are the most commonly used documents out there today. We’ll discuss more of this in a bit. For now, let’s get to know more about PDFBear. PDFBear is great online software as a service (or Saas) tool to help you with all your PDF needs. It’s a PDF merger, PDF splitter, PDF to PNG converter online, and so much more! You don’t need any downloads or special apps to use this tool, so access is direct and quick! Also, you don’t need to make any payments or get a subscription before using their services. Yes, PDFBear offers their services for free! And another thing, you don’t have to worry about your files getting into the wrong hands. PDFBear’s website autodeletes all files after an hour of being uploaded on their server. So, you’re sure your files are safe. Awesome!

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Why PDFs, exactly?

So now that we’ve mentioned the awesome things about PDFBear, let’s get into why almost everyone prefers PDF files over other file formats. First, this file type is the easiest to use and most accessible. There’s no need for a special app or plug-in to access PDFs.  You can open this file on any electronic device, may it be a computer, smartphone, or laptop. Second, it’s the best file to save or share since it doesn’t change its formatting or overall look. This is the same for printing this file type since you will get the same format and look on paper.

You can also access this file type on a macOS or Windows and it will still look the same, no matter what software you use. PDFs also take up much lesser memory space compared to raw file formats, so in the long-run, you’ll save more disk space which lessens the hassle for you and the recipient.

Some Cool PDFBear Features

Split PDF

This feature is useful for when you need to remove pages from PDF files which you don’t want anyone else to view. This is great for pages that contain confidential information. You can also use this for when you have a long PDF file that you only want a few pages to keep as reading or reviewer. It makes it more convenient for you and your recipient, too.

Merge PDF

The Merge PDF feature of PDFBear is great for when you’re working on a project with different people. Different PDF files need to be merged to make presentations and submissions easier. Having to send different PDF files individually won’t just be a hassle to you, but also your recipient. Make things easier for everyone with this feature.

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This feature lets you turn PDF files to logos or images in PNG format. It’s useful for when you want to make something into an image which you’ll use for watermarks, logos, etc.

Unlock PDF

Having a locked file is great for when you want to secure your document and make sure that it can only be accessed by authorized people. But it gets annoying when you have to keep entering a password every time you need to open the file. With this awesome feature, you can just remove the password from the file so you can open it directly anytime and anywhere without hassle.

Try it out!

With PDFBear, you won’t have any problems with all your PDF needs. It’s an all-in-one tool which provides you with the best services for free! You won’t look any further with this awesome one-stop tool. And you’ll be happy that the processing time is quick. Wasting time with conversion and modification is not a thing with PDFBear. So, try it out for yourself and be well-equipped with paperless documents. We hope this article gave you an idea of PDFBear and some of its features. When you check out their website, you’ll get to see more features, helpful for any PDF problems.

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